Shatter - Shatter all active illusions, causing them to chase down enemies and explode for 500 damage. Hitting all 5 ticks on the same target deals 100 additional damage. Illusory Mirror - Fires a continuous beam for a short period that deals 5 ticks of 120 damage over 0.5 seconds, every 0.7 seconds. Ying should always be doing her best to stick near her allies and keeping them alive. Although her primary weapon can tear apart an enemies health, it can be tough to land and her skills aren't suited for one on one combat. You should be hanging back, behind most of the team, spawning illusions all over to try and heal your allies. When picking her, don't expect to be dishing out tons of damage. You can do this repair quite easily without having to put this connector back in.Ying is a Support character all the way. You could disconnect the ribbon cable at this point (it’s a ZIF socket, so the connector just slides out), but I didn’t want to bother having to reconnect it when I was done. Carefully hinge unit so the screen half is face down on your desk with the circuitry portion sticking vertically upward. There’s a fairly short ribbon connector connecting the screen half of the Gameboy to the circuitry half. Once you take those screws out, don’t pull the Gameboy apart quickly.
There’s four obvious ones on the back of the Gameboy, and two inside the battery compartment.
It’s not super difficult, but you definitely want to be careful to avoid stripping the screws. If you don’t want to spend a couple dollars on a triwing driver, you can do what I did and use a small flathead in one of the three slots in the screws. Triwing screws, for those of you unfamiliar, are Nintendo’s favorite way to make opening their products just ever so slightly more irritating. There are six screws, and depending on when your Gameboy was made, they are either going to be triwing or phillips. The first step is to remove the back cover of the DMG.